Sabrina Ahmed

Burnout Coach | Neuroscientist | Art-based Practitioner

As a creativity enthusiast with a 20+ year neuroscience, financial services, supply chain and tech background with hundreds of therapeutic coaching hours under my belt.

I’m here to cut through the coaching fluff to help you overcome burnout, improve focus and reduce overwhelm using simple science-based and creative techniques delivered in a fun, light-hearted way.

Sabrina Ahmed Burnout Coach

How it all started

I’ve always been intrigued by why people think the way they do and the science that drives our behaviour. I ended up completing a BSc in Neuroscience and, although I loved the subject, I couldn’t see myself in a lab.



Instead, I switched lanes, taking an MSc in Computing Science and landing in the tech space around the time everyone was freaking out about Y2K (remember that?).

Over time, I realised my strengths lay in learning new things (I adore learning!) and making complex ideas understandable. That’s when I began leading high-profile change projects for large financial organisations and the stress really started to mount.



As an introvert with social anxiety, I found it tough to navigate corporate life. I’d beat myself up for not being assertive enough, needing thinking time and hating traditional networking. That happened even though I could chat and have fun with my colleagues day to day!

Eventually, the workload, perfectionism, and self-judgment all became too much during a complex global transformation project.

I experienced periods of burnout, mental illness and chronic pain, resulting in being signed off work for months to recover. I was miserable and felt broken and hopeless.

That’s when I knew something had to change at a fundamental level. My mindset, body, habits and goals had to shift so I could break the burnout cycle.



I took a step back to reassess and figure out what I really wanted from life. I decided to study for an MSc in Psychology & Neuroscience of Mental Health and an Accredited Advanced Diploma in Coaching to allow me to set myself up as the coach I needed when I was struggling.

I still had to do the day job whilst doing transition, and it was tough. Really tough at times. But I knew this was what I wanted my life and legacy to be about. So I found a way to balance the different parts of my life – being less tough on myself and allocating times throughout the week.

I also embraced my creativity again, something I’d let slide while languishing in the quagmire of corporate stress.

Now I channel everything I’ve learned through my qualifications, my business, and my burnout recovery to help stressed and burnt out business owners and leaders prioritise themselves, restore their mind and body, reset their beliefs and habits, and build the resilience they need to better manage and love their business and life again.


I was miserable and felt broken and hopeless. That's when I knew something had to change.

“Sabrina is amazing and really helped me focus on my values when I was struggling to decide if a job was right for me. She helped me focus on the positives and understand what it is I value.” 




If you’re looking for a therapeutic coach who’ll challenge you, make you smile, be your biggest cheerleader, and share practical tips, tools and techniques, I could be just the coach you’re looking for.

The best way to find out if we’re a good fit is to give me a call.

Sabrina Ahmed Burnout Coach


Download your free burnout recovery guide

Want my top tips to kickstart your burnout recovery? Follow the link, drop me your details and get instant access to my 4-Step Guide to Tackling Burnout.

Plus you’ll be added to the Unburnt Updates mailing list, packed full of science-based and creative insights about burnout recovery, lifestyle, and personal growth.

You can unsubscribe at any time and I promise never to share your details.


I’d love to have a proper chat

The best way to find out if my coaching style and approach will work for you is to set up a free 25-minute discovery call with me.